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PROJECT 30112342 : Be a good leader and useful person

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012
Ini salah satu project yg di tugaskan pas lagi ospek, buat web blog dan tiap hari hrus jadi admin tak lupa juga tiap hari ada project yang hrus di post dan itu tak mudah. Baru kali ini ospek yang serba ICT bikin keteteran, dan salah satu project gw post aja ke blog gw... So check it out.

30112342 : Be a good leader and useful person
Part 1:Introduction
Well, hello friend.. I will introduce myself. My name is Aas Suhendar, usually my friend called Aas. I was born June,5th 1993. I come from Ciamis, West Java. Now, I’m student in Telkom Of Polytechnic Bandung. Before that, I had studied in SMAN 2 Ciamis.
Part 2: reason of choosing Telkom Polytechnic
I choose to continue in Telkom Polytechnic Bandung because my parent support to learn in here and I interested to study in Telkom Polytechnic Bandung. Although before that I had planned to choose other university. But, I not throw away this chance because this way is one of the other way  to reach my dream.
part 3: passion in life
My passion in my live is learning and to be a useful person. I love to learn about something which make my knowledge increase and I happy if I be useful person who can help people. I can stand in here because support and prayer from all people in my life. Especially my parent, it is my inspiration in my life. Not only that, but the spirit to become a human who great and success  is the biggest passion in my live. So, come on.. Always do the best and never give up to realize our dream.
part 4: achievements you want to reach
I enter to Telkom of Polytechnic not only to learn. But, I want to get best achievement in here, achievement in academic and non academic. I wish I can reach my academic target to get 4.00 GPA. I want make Telkom of Polytechnic proud of me with my achievement, ability and talent, example: win in a competitions as delegation from Telkom of Polytechnic etc. I want learn more generally about social, so I want join and get important position in organization to improve softskill whose had got while in senior high school. I believe that softskill is very important like intellectual ability, because, when we become a student of university, we learn to enter real sociality. Insyaallah, I am sure I will reach my target.
part 5: closing
That’s all, nobody perfect , I’m sorry for my mistake. Never give up to making our dream come truth. wish me all the best living, best result in my three years in Telkom Polytechnic. Thanks for all.